
Your Mother Doesn't Work Here

4th June starts in the Kessels Kramer Outlet an exhibition of well executed wit and spewed bile. This collection of anger led messages left on fridge doors and empty loo rolls tell us what happens when the softly, softly approach no longer works and that a declaration of war can begin with the word ‘please’.

The cult website Passiveaggressivenotes.com started in May 2007 by Kerry Miller after the trauma of living in a shared house. Her blog of anger filled messages has been a constant source of amusement for anyone who knows what it’s like to live with others. Gaining many plaudits it has over 3 million hits a month, won numerous website awards and spawned the book YOUR MOTHER DOESN’T WORK HERE: Painfully Polite and Hilariously Hostile Writings.

Opening night: Thursday 4 June, 7-9 PM
Exhibition runs from 4 - 30 June 2009

+ Info: FB link of the event

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